Watering hole

I have started to drink 3 liters of water a day.I compare the process to attending exercise class: it’s a discipline. Anything you do not do naturally is something you need to think about doing which means putting in the effort to achieve it. Drinking 3 liters of water a day is having a positive…

Britain: Why do I (sometimes) love thee

For the lake District: Grasmere, Ambleside and Windermere For Dylan Thomas and Benjamin Zephaniah For Middle Earth, to the ends of this earth For the jumbo fish finger at The Little Chef For Pixie land For the rare sunny day For the rain, for the umbrella For the English reserve and the Celtic directness For…

And he is right @bbc

The hashtag #BritishValues has invited Twitter users to express their own ideas of Britishness. Some referenced the #garden and as expected #tea; while others took the opportunity to express their political views. @JamzLdn Tweeted about Britain’s hypocritical stance on immigration as he cited the colonial period: Twitter user @JamzLdn used the hashtag to mention Britain’s colonial past and…

Sue Townsend author of the Adrian Mole diaries, dies

The author Sue Townsend has died aged 68. Sue Townsend is best known for The Adrian Mole diaries, which humorously relayed the agonies of being a ‘spotty adolescent’ blighted by unrequited love that would become bestselling works in the 80’s. In 1992 Townsend published The Queen and I which comedically sees the Royal family repatriated…

Peter Sellers unearthed after 60-years

Two films starring the comic icon Peter Sellers are to dominate this years Southend-on-Sea Film Festival, Essex after being ‘lost and found’ after 60-years. The films: The Dearth of a Salesman and Insomnia is Good for You, at first thought to be ‘lost’, have (fortuitously) been unearthed in a skip outside Park Lane films, and will now take…

A bespoke digital marketing strategy by Lowri Hossain

I have looked at your books and as these would appeal to a niche audience (owing to the content) I advise the following formula in the first instance: A presence on the following Social Media platforms: Facebook page- keep this busy and updated with everything that happens, including lots of images and links to your main website…

The ubiquitous junk-food conundrum

Day #10 of Lent: Junk food co’s must hate (dietary) self-control NB: in this post I refer to junk-food as: crisps, sweets, biscuits and chocolate and make one reference to take-away food. I am observing Lent by abstaining from bread and chocolate and so far I have only failed once, when I had a small bowl…

There is more to life than chocolate

Chocolate is to me what water is to fish, essential, or so I thought… I just love chocolate and giving it up for Lent has so far involved implementing immense will power. I am pleased to interject here that one week and a day later, I have not enjoyed even a strand of the stuff.…

The tale of the amazing day

It started with a train journey, the tracks of which climbed an incline that passed through leafy gorge; from my train seat I could appreciate the grand scope of many of the houses with gardens of varying sizes and cultivation and finally, the trees that closed in on the tracks, that gaped forward at times…